Noah Swerhun is a mathematics student at the University of Chicago. He was a National Merit Scholar Commended Student in 2023. In 2022, he earned his Eagle Scout rank after leading and coordinating a 200+ man-hour service project to give bicycles to people in need.

Noah is studying for a career in finance. For two summers, Noah worked as an intern analyst at a private equity firm in Chicago. Going forward, he wants to use his mathematics skills for a job in quantitative trading.

Outside of work and school, Noah enjoys reading and programming. His preferred genre of literature is the philosophical novel; among his favorites are Dostoevsky's The Idiot and di Lampedusa's The Leopard.

Portrait of Noah


Picture of ngen configuration file


ngen (engine) is a simple makefile generator for the Ninja build system. Unlike other, more complex meta build systems, which require knowledge of unique configuration languages, ngen uses an easy-to-understand key-value file, making build configuration simpler and easier for small to medium sized projects.

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Personal website for Dr. Richard A. Feely, a highly accomplished physician from the Chicago area. Features his major articles, research, and innovative treatment methods. →Git Repo →


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